The drug supply is poisoned.
Any dose can be deadly.

Street drugs have become more poisonous, more unpredictable, and more deadly.
They are hurting and killing our loved ones.

Prescriptions meant for a friend or family member could be harmful if taken by someone else.

Drugs are the leading cause of unnatural death of youth aged 10–18.
Most die at home, using alone.

More than ever, we need to learn the facts and stay connected with our kids.

You can help make a difference.

Have the talk

Talking about drugs can be uncomfortable, and the facts can be hard to hear. But when we discuss these scary topics openly and honestly, it can help reduce fears.

  • Talk with kids about what’s going on. Tell them the facts about the toxic drug crisis.
  • Keep calm and don’t use language that makes them feel judged. Feeling ashamed or embarrassed can stop young people from talking to adults, even ones they trust, about things like drugs.
  • Be honest and straightforward. Learn and stick to the facts. If you’re not sure, look them up together. Studies say lectures and scare tactics don’t work. Instead, having open conversations can make it easier to talk about these issues.
  • Stay connected. Have regular conversations with your kids about drugs.

Take advantage of moments to bring up the topic naturally, like when you see a news story or a social media post.

  • Ask kids what they know and think.
  • Talk about why people use drugs and what can happen.
  • Show you care about their safety and well-being.
Conversations can help save lives

Get the facts

The drug supply is poisoned

Street drugs today often contain fentanyl, which is a powerful medication sometimes prescribed to treat pain. If fentanyl is in a drug unexpectedly, it can seriously hurt or kill a person.

Any dose
can be deadly

Pills off the street may contain deadly ingredients. While some drugs might look like a prescription medication, they could be from an unregulated supply (also known as street drugs). Prescriptions meant for a friend or family member could be harmful if taken by someone else.

A lethal dose of fentanyl can be the size of a few grains of salt

Fentanyl and other synthetic opioids are so strong, even a tiny bit can be lethal or make a person very sick. You can’t tell by looking at it.

Facts from
the coroner

Coroners study how and why people die. In the past year, they have found fentanyl in most of the drugs that caused people to die or experience an overdose.

Today’s drugs
take friends

Coroners say the leading cause of unnatural death in kids under 18 is drugs containing fentanyl. Most often, these are street drugs, and the young people using them didn’t know that fentanyl was included in what they were taking.

Drugs kill more people
than cars do

Coroners say more people have been hurt or killed by drugs than by car accidents.

How to help

What you need to know if someone you love uses drugs.

Why people use

People try and use drugs for different reasons. You might see signs if it starts to become a habit.

Types of drugs

There are many types of drugs and they come in many forms – from powders to prescriptions. Each one causes different reactions and short- and long-term effects.

Know the basics

Drugs are in our lives more than we think – including our own medicine cabinets. Learn the different stages of drug use and how to be safer.

Stop an overdose

Being able to identify and quickly respond to poisoning due to contaminated drugs is key to saving lives. Keep a naloxone kit nearby. They’re free at pharmacies.

Treatment & recovery

Recovery from addiction can look different for everyone. Know where to go and what to expect if someone is ready to take this step.


Apps, tools and websites are available to help people manage their mental health and drug use.

Help for kids and teenagers

We all need a safe place to ask questions, to get help, or when we just want to talk with someone.

Share these resources with your kids and ask them to tell a friend.


Foundry does things differently. They make it easy for young people and caregivers to find youth-friendly and welcoming services, in-person and online at

Kid’s Help Phone

With the Kid’s Help Phone, there is always someone safe who’s ready to talk, text or chat. It’s 24/7, private and free.


erase (expect respect & a safe education) is about building safe and caring school communities by empowering people to learn about the complex issues facing students.

Help for families and caregivers

Learn more about substance use and ways to care for your loved ones and yourself. Find a program near you.

Crisis lines

Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service

KUU-US Crisis Response Service